The E-Fed Journal takes a look at the origin, history, and inspiration behind the character from the handler. Taking an deeper look at e-wrestling.

EFJ's Manifesto

     So I got the idea while working that i should probably explain better why this podcast came about and what my goals of this show is, in the present and in the future.

     So the beginning is where I start. I'm a sports broadcasting hopeful. I recently graduated Connecticut School of Broadcasting (, which is a trade school of sorts for all types be it TV or radio, behind the scene or the talent, but sports is my area of focus, sports talk being the hope. And when I'm not working, I'm working on my craft as a on-air personality. The one thing that was always stressed to me that the best way to do that is to talk about something you like. And since i only can get in the studio once a week for two hours, I wanted to find a way to work on my craft.

     Back in March for APW's Rasslemania IX PPV, we had a Blog Talk Radio show every day leading up to and a post RM show. During one of the show's overtime period, we chatted with Young Mannie's handler, my first guest of the E-Fed Journal, about his evolution. We spent a good 15 minutes and really didn't scratch the surface but afterward, I chatted with Keaton Saint, the guest of the sixth episode, about that overtime that we was also apart of and he said that there should be a show for something like this. One on one, host and guest, talking about the guest's time in this crazy game where we come up with pretend athletes who are involved in a scripted sport and put them in real life spots, make them a character, and basically write chapters of a book.

     In that moment, the top two paragraphs combined. I had the ability to edit audio, record audio from Skype, and had the equipment to talk. I had the topic. I just needed some interest. So I put it out there that I was coming with this while I was in APW and quickly 10 or so people signed up for an episode. I knew then I had the viewers. So away I went, working on finding fancy music, an english (UK) speaking text to audio, and some other stock sounds. I planned on doing one episode every two weeks but shortly I found out that after the first one, people were happy to talk about themselves (SHOCKER!) for 90 minutes or so. And recording an episode weekly became something I didn't have to worry about chasing people down to record because I needed to if I wanted an episode for the week. Once I found that out, I quickly changed to weekly, monday nights every week. But what would be covered?

     I knew I wanted to focus on a single character while showing the world the character of the handler. I'm seven shows in and I'm still getting a handle on that and it makes me want to go back and re-do the first couple because I know those people and i know there is more of them I can show through this podcast, but I digress. I wanted to find the reason the character was created, why the character changed over time and what inspires them as they continue along. As the show has gone along, I've added a part where the guest can compliment, trash (though not often), or just say whatever to whoever whether it be a friend, a fellow e-fedder, or take a stance on the game as a whole. I've added a part where the guest can plug a fed, feds, e-communities and get more eyes on places. I still think of things I can add and people have suggested things for the future that I plan on using and I'm always available for more.

     So I sit here on a futon couch behind my laptop where I record and edit each of the interviews, aka the studio, writing this with seven episodes done, more interviews done and even more interviews to do and I think about this whole set-up. I try not to spam twitter every hour with my episodes because I hate seeing that from other shows. I go to places that i know of and plug this show because I know those places and they're supportive. I use blogger to host this because of my lack of knowledge on getting this on iTunes and because I've used blogger in the past and know a bit about how to track views and such. No sponsors, no ads because I hate listening to ads in the middle of my podcasts. I don't have to pay anything for any of this and I don't need to. If getting this out to more people meant paying for anything, getting sponsors or asking people to pay for this, I'd be fine with getting 5 views because I knew I wasn't asking anything from anyone that I wouldn't ask myself.

      But do I have what it takes to get this far out? I've asked myself what I expect from this podcast. Now, I could get all over-expecting of it. Say I want this thing to run forever and it could, but I know that it won't because everything has an end. That said, I do hope this goes on for at least a year. I have plans for every 10th episode to be something different from the norm. As soon as I figured out HOW it could be done, maybe even a live recording of this. By next April, I'd hope that this reaches a point where I don't have to go fed to fed to fed posting a topic about podcast, updating it, asking people if they want to be on. I hope it gets to a point where people know the E-Fed Journal and spread the word themselves, getting to where the word of other's takes this thing farther than my own words could. I want to have more people saying, "Hey! I'd love to be on a future episode". I have that, but more people would be awesome. I also want to be entertaining. When I record, I know when it's entertaining and I know when it's not and I do my best to make sure it is entertaining, it's my job as the host.

     Keaton Saint told me not to do too much. Don't make this thing more than I need it to be. And really, I don't think I will, because I'll make thing out to be what I think it needs to be and just that. Maybe those special episodes I have people come on and talk about fedding in general. Maybe I have a group of people come and tell some stories with "drama". Maybe I don't. That's the beauty of this thing really. I can make this to be how I want it to be. I can do what I want to do with this, but I won't. People want to hear the stories of others, hear their friends tell other how they came up with the ideas for their characters, and hear the personality of the handler, hear how someone who may write a gothy, dark character is in fact very positive and kind.

     So what do I want out of this thing? A good time.

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